Emily // 2015 Columbia HS Ambient Model

Wow what a year it has been with Emily, she has been such a blast to work with and we get so sad when we think about graduation coming up and all of our models moving on. With Emily being one of our models, we have photographed her many times and for this last shoot she wanted to focus it completely on school pride. We went down to West Columbia and photographed some awesome images of her on their football field as well as all of her accomplishments throughout the year. We finished up in the old buildings in the town with some beautiful prom dress shots (which we couldn't show until after prom) and awesome cap and gown photos. Thank you so much for all you have done this year Emily, it has been an absolute pleasure having you represent us and getting to know you throughout the year. We are looking forward to coming to visit you in College Station and seeing all that you will accomplish in your bright future.

With Love,
Justin and Kirby.